As rosemary is to the spirit
so lavender is to the soul.
Our Projects
Slovenian Beehouse
In Slovenia beekeeping is a way of life. In this small European nation of 2 million, 1 out of every 200 people is a beekeeper. That is four times as many as in the European Union as a whole.
Slovenian apiaries – called AŽ hives (after their inventor Anton Žnideršič) are designed with frames that are positioned horizontally — it’s like you’re taking a book off of a shelf when you remove them. With Langstroth hives, you have to lift them up vertically and the boxes can weigh 30 to 90 pounds each. That can be pretty hard on the back.
You also work inside your bee house, out of the sun or cold with all your equipment in one place, making it easier for you and less invasive to the bees.
Because they’re easier to work with from a physical standpoint, AŽ hives open beekeeping to everyone, children to older folks. And a bee house can be customized so individuals with limited mobility or in a wheelchair can maintain the hives.
Slovenian proverb: When with worry I’m beset, and sadness amasses, the bees they comfort me, the worry I forget and the sadness passes.
Though it’s popular worldwide, lavender originated in the Mediterranean region, northeast Africa, and southwestern Asia, where it has grown for over 2,500 years. In ancient Egypt, lavender was used during the mummification process to perfume the corpse. On the other hand, the ancient Greeks quickly noticed lavender’s medicinal properties, using it to ease ailments including headaches and indigestion. During the Black Plague of the 16th century, lavender oil was used to ward off the dreaded disease.
Lavender has a calming scent which may be an excellent tonic for nerves and anxiety issues. It may also be helpful in treating migraines, headaches, depression, nervous tension and emotional stress. The refreshing aroma may remove nervous exhaustion and restlessness while also increasing mental activity. Research shows the scent lowers heart rate and blood pressure, putting you in a relaxed state. It may have such a relaxing impact on people that it can often replace modern medicine for sleep issues.
Elderberry is one of man’s earliest medicinals, with records showing evidence of cultivation as early as the stone ages. Ancient Greeks used elder for a range of health issues, and the “father of medicine,” Hippocrates (c. 460–370 BC) suggested the leaves and berries for numerous medical problems, reportedly declaring elder a “medicine chest in itself” and a “plant from the gods.”
In Europe, elderberry is often linked with the Celtic fairy realm. Pagan traditions held that the Elder Mother was a spirit inhabitant of the plant, who gave it the ability to protect, heal, and dispel evil influence; thus endowing the plant with a measure of respect and reliance. Bits of the plant might be carried around much like a good luck charm.
Among pagan traditions, Elder has held a place of respect. The ability to protect; induce vivid dreams, particularly of the Faerie realms; to heal; and to exorcise or remove negative spells and influences are among Elder’s pagan attributes.
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Sea Buckthorn
Sea buckthorn is a deciduous shrub or tree that procuces berries as fruit. It is said that there are more than 200 types of nutrients contained in sea buckthorn berry along with antioxidants, and fatty acids like Omega 3,6,7,9.
Sea buckthorn is one of the few remaining plants with a long history, estimated to be around 70 million years old. In Greek mythology, it has been used for horses as horse’s fodder to promote weight gain and good & shiny hair. This myth is also the origin of its Latin name – Hippophae rhamnoides, which means it is “A tree that makes horses shiny”. It is listed as a regular Chinese in all the classic books of Tibet 1,300 years ago. Chinese used Sea Buckthorn for medical treatment from ancient times. Mostly it has been used for chronic infections like cold, cough, and may reduce the toxin from the lungs and body.